The President's Message

The President's Message

As of 1978, I and other members of the Friends of the Disabled Association (FDA) joined hands and exerted time and efforts to realize the present I'dad Center.
Throughout the years, FDA succeeded to rise despite the many difficulties, especially during the hard days of the civil war.
Major developments, though gradual, took place during FDA's life.
Prior to year 2000, FDA was providing programs and services from different modest locations.
The move of its operations to the newly-established I'dad Center in Mechref enabled it to develop its specialized programs and provide quality services and programs to a greater number of beneficiaries.
The development that we are witnessing now is due to the recently established administrative organizational structure, reinforcing its team of special educators and therapists by recruiting new experienced staff members, and adopting a structural relations organizational chart, allowing for clear responsibilities, improving communications and synergy between the different sections, and the provision of close support from community professionals.
The new organizational structure clearly identifies relations through adequately designed job profiles, policies and procedures which are set by the Board in collaboration with management of I'dad Center.
Many sections of the I'dad Center buildings and grounds are complete, while finishing operations of other sections are ongoing.
With satisfaction and pride we publish this information on our web site which we hope will give a clear picture of the multi-faceted contributions of FDA, but mainly to display the feelings of love and acceptance, along with the high degree of professionalism, that have been invested in the creation of I'dad Center and its services to this date.
For this reason, I would like to express my appreciation to the members of the Board for their perseverance and dedication to the Association.
I would like also to express my thanks to the Director and all members of staff for their devotion and participation to the success and achievements that we take pride of.
Also I would like to express my special thanks to our sponsors and affiliates, who supported us, especially to the prominent family who contributed a substantial sum for the construction of the I'dad Center.
And I would like to highlight the fact that without the generous contributions of many friends and organizations, in Lebanon and abroad, this success story wouldn't have been realized.
Finally, I appeal to every contributor to our success to continue to offer his help and support as the needs are still great and many.
Succeeding is a beautiful feeling, but most importantly is to sustain and be able to contribute to the welfare of every person according to his lawful rights to become a dignified and active member of the society.